Connecting back to nature, connecting back to self!

With our ever increasing mantra of "not enough time" we find ourselves starved of what our body craves....nature. It's hard wired into us and its that thing that we feel within us when something is not feeling right, that feeling we are searching for something. Searching for home......rewild your life by making simple changes.

1. Step outside of the office in your lunch hour, you may think you don't have the time, but your productivity will increase after it (creativity flows during it)

2. Pop a plant in your office, it is a proven fact that plants in offices increase cognitive activity and also give a sense of calm.

3. Do your exercise in nature rather than a stuffy old gym

4. Write yourself a prescription of forest bathing (walking through the forest)

5. Take the scenic route home after work and make the effort to stop and look at something beautiful. My favourite is an old oak tree which I pass on my way to do my shopping, I could take the shorter route but it is so much nicer to walk amongst the trees! 

6. Book on a ecotherapy workshop and disconnect your phone and reconnect your being! for more information on workshops Scania runs click here

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